In an effort to keep our members well informed, organized, motivated, on schedule, and updated on all of our current team activities, challenges, news, etc... we have organized a more efficient and productive way to keep everyone in the loop.
We have a team email list.
Don't worry, we will not bombard you with emails or sell your information. We are too busy and don't have time to waste like that.
No one will have access to your emails except for our leaders and it will only be used for our team purpose. You will get on average, maybe 1 email a week or less.
Our team is getting bigger and better everyday.
We have so many amazing activities and challenges to help you out and move you along. All with one goal in mind: increased exposure and get more sales.
We also have so many opportunities for you to get more exposure: please visit our blog for more info:
Please email us your email address for our team email list:
I know that there are always a lot of activities going on in our team forum. So it can be a little overwhelming and at times confusing for our new members to navigate around our forum and to catch up to our team activities.
New members, we have a very organized team blog. The team blog is the place you should go to as a reference anytime you feel that you are falling behind on our team activities or if you feel that you need some extra help. We have wonderful resources that are available to you on our team blog in the RESOURCES section. Please check out our team blog often because we are always updating our blog to keep it current with our team activities.
The TABLE OF CONTENTS will always be the place to go to if you feel like you are behind in team activities. This is where you will find all of the most current team activities in chronicle order. If you follow the table of contents it will be like you have been a senior member of our team since the beginning.
Also, you should join us on Facebook as well. All new posts, articles, and activities will be posted on our facebook page.
We have many team members who have contributed to articles and advice on our team blog and they have been very generous enough to offer our members one-on-one assistance with the pertaining topics as well. We have professional photographers that are members of our team who have reached out and offer to help our members out with their photography questions. So don't be shy, you can reach out to any of our members anytime.
Please read all below for existing links for posts.
**Follow team facebook page:
**Check out team blog:
1. Welcome new members, introductions:
2. Facebook:
3. Twitter:
4. Blogs:
5. Coupon codes & specials:
6. Share new listings:
7. BNS - BNRs:
All posts and threads that are not listed above will be closed after 5 days. This way it will keep our forum clean and easy to follow for our existing members and our new members. The closed threads will still remain & can be read by all members. There are just so many threads in our forum that it could be confusing for our leaders and other members to know what is current. Thank you for your understanding.
Submit your shop for team members' critique
Your Etsy Shop Submission to be considered for the team blog "Featured Shops" section.
Marketing Opportunities (for Free)
Share your Facebook
Share your Blog
Share your Twitter
TEAM CHALLENGE 2: Treasury Challenge
TEAM CHALLENGE 3: 10 Minute Treasury Challenge
TEAM CHALLENGE 4: Father's Day Theme Treasury (since this is a seasonal challenge, and it has ended, we won't be posting the link to it here). Please read the featured on the winner and runner-up in the "Featured Shops" section of our blog.